alice looks at me like i am the most magical and special goddess in the world

I had circled around Alice’s energy for a few months. I knew that there was something there for me but I as I took my time I was already building up my self worth.

Alice’s superpower is holding the most compassionate space that allows you to bring all parts of you to the surface, while also removing any heaviness around healing. This is massively empowering because I felt radical acceptance and the most fun permission slip to do whatever the fuck I need to do to create a life that fuels my soul.

Alice looks at me like I am the most magical and special goddess in the world which is something I had always felt inside me but have seldom had reflected back to me. I now give myself permission to believe and claim that for myself!

My favourite thing about the alchemy is the beautiful women that gravitate towards this space. Feels like we have a heart-connection for life!

— GABY, usa

Rebekah Chiesa

Aligned Brands & Websites empowering you to show up as an Expert 💥

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get ready for a wild ride of expansion, authenticity and self—love


thank you doesn't begin to cover it